Saturday, January 29, 2011

Edward John James Thompson: My Beautiful Little Boy

This is a bit about my beautiful little boy Edward.

He was born on 23rd Nov 2008 at 5-40am atfer 5hrs 40 minutes labour.

He weighed in at 9Lbs 2oz and he was still afew weeks early...

The hopsital said he ws due on the 8th of Nov but i'd work it out to be nearer Christmas..

So I was induce on Saturday 22nd Nov and he arrive on the Sunday...
He was heavy I couldn't believe just how heavy he was, I just kept repeating his weitght for about an hour afterwards....

We came home the next day...and he was really good he slept alot qnd still does...he's very intelligent and quick...and funny. He's noisy and always up to something....

He's very entertaining too...he tried to sing and loves to dance as well....

He started waling just after his 1st birthday and loves eating all sorts of food...He's abit like his dad aswell as he's a cookie monster too...

He's despretley trying to talk at the moment and he tells us some great tales in his own laugage....

I will add a few photos of him ata a later date.So you can see just how cute he really is....

This Edward around his first birthday.

This is Edward on Christmas day 2010...He had a geat time it took us over 2 1/2 hours to open all the presents....


  1. Sunday 13th Feb 2011.

    Edward has some new words. the best one is "sausages" but we get car, doggy, woof, "dinner".

    There are loads more,to many to list and now were getting small sentences too....

    I took a few more photos of him yesterday, I will put them on my page later.....

    He's being very good at the moment with everything going on...He's just taking it all in...

    We're having a day off today now work....
    Buut back to it tomorrow....

    Lady Sarah.

  2. Thursday 17th Feb 2011...

    Edward was up late this morning not like him...He's now playing with his toys and being quite good and not making to much noise or mess for once....Atv the moment were looking at picture cards with animals on them, he's getting quite good on animal noises and does recognise the different pictures....

    His favorite toy right now is his tools and work bench....

    He likes helping daddy on his computer although he usually presses the wrong buttons, which does always help, if John doesn't keep saving his work.....

    As for me i'm off out on the nursery now...I need to get quite a bit of work to do out there and later I'm going t9 order some more seeds..
    LAdy Sarah.
